Friday, May 15, 2020

Black History Importance Essay - 1355 Words

Black History Importance The time has come again to celebrate the achievements of all black men and women who have chipped in to form the Black society. There are television programs about the African Queens and Kings who never set sail for America, but are acknowledged as the pillars of our identity. In addition, our black school children finally get to hear about the history of their ancestors instead of hearing about Columbus and the founding of America. The great founding of America briefly includes the slavery period and the Antebellum south, but readily excludes both black men and women, such as George Washington Carver, Langston Hughes, and Mary Bethune. These men and women have contributed greatly to American society.†¦show more content†¦Black Americans should be acknowledged for not only their contributions to American society, but also for being a part of American society and upholding the traditions and values of this country. Black History Month should not be a celebration that come s and goes in our own minds and homes. Black History Month should not be a remembrance that is acknowledged only when the official day begins. Black History Month is an accomplishment that we should be proud of in the Black community. Carter G. Woodson chose the month of February for some important reasons. For instance, Black History Month marks the birthdays of two men who influenced the black population, Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln according to Woodson. In addition, the Fifteenth Amendment was passed on February 3, 1870, which granted blacks the right to vote. There were a lot of significant reasons for allowing Black History Week to begin in February. However, I seriously doubt if Woodson would have accepted the extension of this week in the shortest month of the year. Woodson chose a week in February, because it had symbolic significance. Black History Week began in 1926. However, it is now 1999 and in seventy-three years Black Americans allowed our contributions to American society to be extended from Negro History Week to Black HistoryShow MoreRelatedNational African American History Year876 Words à ‚  |  4 PagesEvery year, February is to be known as the Black History Month, or formally known as National African American History Month. It is an annual commemoration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing the central role of African Americans in United States history. Black History Month had its origins in 1915 when Dr. Cater G. Woodson and his colleagues founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (African American History Month, 2014). This organization is nowRead MoreSexual Deviance And Its Effects On Society875 Words   |  4 Pagescriminals however Erika fights this label. 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